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Decluttering is reviewing your possessions and removing the ‘no-longer-needed’. The process can prove exhausting. We all have emotional ties to ‘things’.  An impartial participant can bring clarity to the exercise of removing those items from your home.

I can help you reclaim your space in a supportive manner, whether it’s a crowded play room that has lost its function, a closet that overflows into a bedroom, or an unappealing outdoor area which once attracted alfresco dining.

Some clients find themselves in the position of helping an older family member with a move to assisted living. Decluttering can also be required when dealing with the contents of an estate. I can provide support to the client and their family members during the transition period.

No matter how small the job, ‘clearing out’  can be overwhelming.

Scheduling time to sort, then prioritizing that sorting is paramount in completing the job. Paperwork and small items to be retained can be efficiently filed and labeled in appropriate spaces. Larger pieces can be donated or consigned in coordination with other businesses. In summary, I can rehouse or dispose of everything in a systematic way.

The ‘gains’ from going through and removing clutter include peace of mind, a sense of benevolence, and (sometimes) a little cash generated from the sale of those items.

From initial space analysis, to sorting to selling, we work as a team. The shared involvement will be outlined in an initial plan.

An overview of how the process works:

  • All my work begins with a consultation—I want to understand your situation and see your vision.
  • Next, I develop a plan based on that understanding, and within your budget.
  • Plans are established, and can be as brief as DIY information derived from the consultation.
  • A timeline is determined.
  • I can purchase filing boxes and arrange agency pick-ups.
  • I will provide regular updates throughout the project.
  • Closure of the project is formalized with a written summary and can include a face-to-face meeting. At that time I welcome an evaluation of the entire initiative.

Contact Anita today to begin the decluttering process and reclaim your space today!

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